Friday, October 28, 2011

Tagged :P

I was tagged by AMANI YAAKOB

The Questions :

1. What is your favourite name ?
2. Malay or English song that you like most ?
3. Are you single or had taken by someone ?
4. What was your boyfriend/girlfriend's full name ?
5. What's your opinion about my blog at your first sight ?
6. Do you like books ?
7. What's the type of handphone you are using now ?
8. What is your hatred ?
9. Do you have your own enemy ?
10. What kinda of thing that you love most ?
11. Do you feel boring ?

My Answers  :P :

1. Preferred to be called "Ahmad" and "Syahmi".Other that that are not accepted. HAHA

2. English/Deutsch-Cover Song (maybe?)

3 .Single.Always (maybe ?)

4. Don't have (maybe ?)

5. Full of things that are so closed-related to teenagers.Waited every posts of yours.HAHA

6. Yes.Definitely.

7. Urm.....Samsung Corby II only ler....T.T

8. Being shamed by others on everything I do . 

9. No. (maybe ?)

10.  My memories of teenagers....:)

11.  Now,not really..:P

Thanks for your questions..:P

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Parody #2

Yang ni taktau nak kata apa..
Kreatif-kreatif jugak cuma macam tak sesuai ja..
Judge it yourselves,okay ? :P


*Tekan SINI kalau nak tengok komen-komen "memberangsangkan" untuk video ni...:)

Bahaya Panadol Soluble dan Actifast

Fakta ini saya kutip daripada laman Facebook mengenai bahaya pengambilan Panadol Soluble dan Actifast

Jangan ambil panadol actifast atau soluble jika anda rasa deman atau sakit kepala. Pengambilan panadol tersebut boleh memudaratkan kesihatan anda pada masa akan datang.

“Suami saya bekerja sebagai Jurutera IT di sebuah hospital, di mana pihak hospital sedang menyiapkan pengkalan data untuk pesakitnya. Dia mengenali rapat doktor tersebut. Doktor memberitahu suami saya, apabila mengalami sakit kepala, mereka sendiri tidak sanggup mengambil Panadol atau Paracetamol. Sebaliknya, mereka akan mencari ubatan herba Cina atau mencari altenatif lain.

Ini kerana Panadol adalah bertoksik kepada tubuh kita . Ia merosakkan organ hati . Menurut doktor tersebut, Panadol akan tinggal di dalam tubuh selama sekurang-kurangnya 5 tahun . Menurutnya lagi, pernah berlaku seorang pramugari menelan terlalu banyak Panadol semasa kedatangan haid kerana tugasnya perlu berdiri sepanjang masa penerbangan. Dia kini baru berumur 30-an tetapi sudah perlu menjalani rawatan buah pinggang (dialisis) setiap bulan.

Alternative Treatment ( Tips )

Seperti kata doktor tersebut, sakit kepala disebabkan ketidak-seimbangan elektron/ion di dalam sel otak .

Sebagai rawatan alternatif, beliau mencadangkan membeli sebotol atau 2 botol minuman isotonik, campurkan dengan air minuman pada kadar 1:1 atau 1:2. Mudahnya, secawan isotonik dengan 2 cawan air minuman.

Saya dan suami pernah mencuba kaedah ini dan mendapati ia berkesan. Kaedah lain ialah merendam kaki ke dalam besin yang mengandungi air suam. Ia akan memberi tekanan darah menurun dari kepala anda.

Panadol adalah sejenis “pain killer”, semakin banyak anda mengambilnya, semakin lama semakin kurang kesannya kepada anda. Bererti anda perlukan dos yang lebih lagi apabila ia kurang berkesan.

Kita semua akan jatuh sakit apabila usia kita semakin meningkat. Untuk wanita, mereka akan melalui pengalaman melahirkan zuriat. Bayangkan mereka akan diberi dos yang kuat apabila terpaksa melalui proses beranak melalui pembedahan. Jika anda terlalu banyak mengambil Panadol atau Paracetamol sepanjang hidup anda, seperti mereka yang ada migrain, ia akan memberi kesan sifar terhadap kesakitan yang anda alami dan anda memerlukan ubat yang lebih kuat lagi untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit. Adakah anda sanggup diberi dadah yang kuat seperti morfin?

Hargailah kehidupan anda. Fikir sebelum mudah memasukkan ubat yang “biasa” ini ke dalam perut anda.

kredit: Pengalaman Seorang Blogger

Salam Ukhuwah..~

Sumber : Tekan SINI 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Parody #1

Hilarious !
That's the word that I could say of this parody video !

Here's the lyric
*through the song "Rolling in The Deep" by Adele

There's a fight I'm having with this chair 
Can't seem to move my bum from here to over there. 
Water glasses are strewn about the room 
Got to make a plan to do the dishes soon 
This cocaine ninja is smashing dishes 
My drummer was naughty so I made him face the wall 
I need to get up I need a shower 
I can't right now cuz I'm Playing Angry Bi-ee- rds 
(playing angry birds) 
(hee -hee hee hee hee) 
Can't even stop to pee-ee-ee 
(can't even stop to pee) 
(gotta do a number three) 
I have to get three star-ee—ars 
(boomerang pelicans) 
(exploding parakeets) 
And I'm playing it 
(never seen a green pig) 
it in my sleep
(bowling with my beak)
Red Birds yellow birds 
and black ones that explode 
Green pig a-holes gonna pay for what they stole 
I've reset this level a hundred thousand times 
This 99-cent app purchase is destroying my life 
I see you laughing and bird harassing 
(I'm gonna squish you) 
(you stole my eggs from me) 
It used to be a game but now it's personal 
(your pigpen's gonna fall) 
(I'm a kamikaze) 
My back is itching my neck is twitching 
I can't stop wishing I was an Angry Bird 
(wish I was an angry bird) 
(I know it sounds absurd) 
with feathers and a beak 
(feathers and a beak)  
(Tweedle deedle deetly deet) 
I just laid a golden egg 
(I just laid a golden egg) 
(Feeling sick in the head) 
Am I crazy or just free. 
(now I'm finally free) 
(to be what I wanna be) 
Now I am an Angry Bird 
A bird that has no feet 
I'll crash your party with my head 
And I'm aimin' aimin' amin', sayin 

Here's the video !

so creative !

Okay ?

Anonymous : Is he alright ?
Anonymous 2 : Yeah,he smile at us !
Anonymous : Yeah,that should do !

Alright ? Yes, I'm alright.As long as you can see,I'm smiling today.

That should do the trick..

In fact,who could ever notice me sad ?

I'm happy,as far as I could smile ...:)

Monday, October 24, 2011

7 things I still don't have and I wish for !

Well, a long title isn't it ?
Okay,there's actually many things that come up of my mind,but just let write out ten of them,shall we ?

*We start at no. 7,shall we ?

7.  XBOX 360

White looks fabulous,right ?

This is a though wish as it would considered highly cost ! but it looks fun (*"looks" which mean does not too important to have,well,it is number 7,right?)

6.   Samsung Galaxy S2


This is what I want ! but it looks imposibble as I just have my Corby 2 a few months ago ! Well,it looks like I have to wait for a few more years...*sigh*   =.=

5.  Yamaha Nouvo LC !!

4.  Tablet

It is way too fun ! I'm wish for it so much ! as long as it is a tablet,I would like it ! (including I-pad..=.=)

3.  Own Laptop

I should have,I SHOULD HAVE !!

2.  DSLR

Looks fun,isn't it?

1.   9A + in SPM


This one is so much important than the others.With this approvement of 9A+,I will surely grabbed the other things someday.Insyaallah.I will work hard for it,YEAH !!

Wishing for the better !

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Strong Friendship !!

Friends are the most related person when we want to share about something that definitely want to tell.Well,instead of "Who Says" I also listened to this song.It is singed by the already-known singer ; BRUNO MARS...
 It is "Count on Me "

I 'm sorry as I coudn't find it's official music video.:P

Feeling Good

Well,I just feeling down a few days ago because of something that I should never  tell.But when I surfed on the Youtube for music to listen (in fact,I'd prefer to hear music when something goes down !) I found this song.It is "Who says" by Selena Gomez.

Well,I completely hate of her relationship with JB,but her song is good enough that I just forget about it.In fact,this song is beatifully made and that of course made my day !Although,it would rather considered as feminine-type,but who cares ? In fact,this song is suitable for all sexes because it teaches us that we have to be brave on our desicions or have hight self-esteem in ourselves,right ?

One more thing,Selena Gomez is so cute and beautiful in this video..:P

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm so happy !

and I don't have reasons to tell why..

secret..but a full relieve...

i'm just HAPPY today....:)

ps:add math-ing !


I have already done two papers,BM and BI..

So,I still have 7 more papers to go..hurhhh..=.=

btw,tomorrow is ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS paper

why I type it all full ? I LOVE add math..

Hey , Add math is not so difficult,after we tried to love it....


ps : I have add math (tomorrow),physics and math all papers in three row of days (wed,thurs,fri).All of them using calculators,that's mean all of them will use brain sooooooooooooooo much !!! =.=

Friday, October 7, 2011



aq dpat rasakan yg ramai yang x puas hati nan aq

Ya ALLAH ! sedih sangat2 !

even,x tnjuk kn ketidakpuasan hati tu,aq taw ampa mmg x sukakan aq

hmm..mmg aq ni jahat sikit,suka kata org..




i'm not a perfect guy,who will be right in every things i do..

sori sesangat kalu ampa-ampa-ampa sakit atau TERASA hati ngan segala apa yg aq kata..

aq promise,x kan kata pa pa dah...let i change by myself from being hypernormal to normal

one last word..


ps : to whoever that i've ever made mistakes towards you all....dedicated for you all..



Arhhh !

Exam akhir tahun dh nk dekat !

but,still i haven't finished my revision yet !

what to do ! study !

yeah i know...

setakat ni,bru physics,chemie,bio and sejarah shj yg study

but tu pun random ja..


adakah impian nak dapat 9a + akan tercapai ? jeng..jeng..jeng..

ps : otw math revision..=.=

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Meh sini nak sebut dya lagu mana...


maksud ?

The Kind Boy Talks...


ps : Jungen bukan Juugen...sorry for mistakes

Monday, October 3, 2011

Luahan Rasa

aku memang tak pandai main bola
aku memang suka buat gila
aku buat apa pun tak pernah nak betui
aku masuk apa2 pun tak pernah menang
aku memang tak layak ada kapel
aku buat suma orang fikir aq x berguna
aku naik apa pun akan pelingkup benda tu
aku serius ampa main-main
aku soft dari segala segi
aku cepat sensitif
aku cakap apa pun orang buat main-main
aku emosional
aku buruk
aku lemah
aku berhaklah dikata " BODOH DALAM KEHIDUPAN " 
Terima kasih,sangat-sangat bermakna pandangan2 tersebut...:)

smile always...:)